My Journey
Welcome to my blog
Have an AWESOME day !
Damn ! i missed them like hell !

yeahh, even the title already make me almost gone crazy :(
it's all about the memories i have done with my closest friends ~ <3
they are the best !
no offense ~ they really being there for me.
every each time i need their help.
i will never find another friends like them.
and i will never replaced them with some new hot friends or just some friends who's good in hangout only.
by the way, thank you so fucking damn much for being my friends ! xDD
you are the best bitch and the best pupil in my heart ~ <3
and i don't give a fuck bout anyone whose being such a JACKASS towards my friends ! my REAL friends !
and with proudly i will show you that whose my sweet adorable friends,
with honor i present you THEM ~ <3

Nurul Hidayah Abdul Rahman ~ <3

Syazliza Ahmad Fariz

Norsaidatul Akma Abu

Siti Nabira Abu Seman

Anis Natasha Annuar

feel free to be please to know them ~ <3
and the moment i have being with them has been captured forever ~ <3
this is are some of the moments :')
thank you.

i love THEM very much ~ <3 hurt THEM ? you are ABSOLUTELY dead ~ ;p

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Totally taken by Fildza Firdaus

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