My Journey
Welcome to my blog
Have an AWESOME day !
Happy Deepavali Everyone ~ !

yeahh, you can read it, unless you are BLIND right :DD
i did go celebrate this light festival :DD
which is we all ( my family okay -.- ) go to Tampin and met my father best friend :DD
his name is uncle Raga ? ( i think ? -..-)
and his families :) it was lively :DD
everything was colourful and beautiful ^^
especially the peacock :DD ( i meant the the design of  the rice )
i hope you know what i meant ?
if you don't ?
there's nothing i can said bout it =..="
anyway back to the story :))
we were talking, laughing and future =..="
well, uncle Raga are sure elite people -..-"
which is i'm not like them ! =,=#
after that, the food came :DD
muruku, manisan, tosai, kari kambing, kari ayam and blah blah blah :DD
we are absolutely FULL okay -,-
i almost can't breath because of the food is fulling my stomach.
uncle Raga can't stop giving me more tosai.
and i was like " Haiyaaa auntie, are you planning to explode my stomach ? "
then, she laughed bout it and smile :))
i just kept myself shut. -.-
because i don't want them to asked me anything bout my future or my studies or blah blah blah.
( you know what i'm trying to pull off right ? so don't play dumb. except you are DUMB to notice that ! -..-" )
furthermore, we finished eating and blah blah blah.
my brother and i got some money :DD
we were like so happy :DD
heee ~ :))
by the way, after we went to uncle Raga's house.
we went to his little sister house which are auntie Emma :)
she wasn't well, so she stay at her room only.
my mother stay with her for awhile than she came out and sat with us.
after that, as usual routine of adult right ?
blah blah blah =..=
yeahhh, for around what time ? i don't know ? =.=
because i'm just too tired to listen for all this adult things -.-
we manage to when back home :D
then suddenly =..=#
my mother wanted to go to uncle Sigerem's house ( i'm not sure ) -..-
i was like "" give me a break laa women ! "" face to her.
but seems she doesn't realize it -,-
then we go again.
okay after all the eating and all that.
we FINALLY can go home ! <3,<3
and i also manage to saw some peacocks ~ :D
this is are some the pictures of the peacocks :D

Beautiful right ? normal and albino peacock :D

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Totally taken by Fildza Firdaus

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