My Journey
Welcome to my blog
Have an AWESOME day !
totally unexpected day !

it was two days ago ~
my mother was planning for sending me to school driving.
then, fildza was actually doing the same thing.
but the different are he's taking a motorcycling license.
meanwhile i'm taking license for car.
okayyy, back to the story.
my MOM wanted me to take license n go for class there and there ! =.="
i was so unprepared and too lazy to go for the that stupid class.
because i know, it would be boring like HELL =.=#
hurmmm, well do i have choices that time ?
i guess NOT =.="
when i was waiting for the fucking class,
i saw fildza was doing the same thing with the boring look at his face.
then, i said
 " hey beruk, kau buat apa je ? "
after that, he said
 " erghh, you buta ke ? =.=" i tengah buat bnda sama macam you laaa. apalaaa "
then i just laughed bout that :D
furthermore i asked him,
 " kita satu class ke you ? "
he replied
 " mungkin la kot ? tapi teori jela tak sama nanti. "
finally i was like " ohhhhhhhh ~ okay " :DD
later on, around 8 something, almost 9 ?
the class started. but still we waited the teacher is like so damn fucking late =.=##
which is i H.A.T.E that =.="
after that, the teacher came and the class starts !
it was shitting bored and such a long class.
6 HOURS with only listening to her nagging =,=#
and the jokes she made wasn't funny at all."
it was more to sarcastic remarks -,-
which is i understood it very well =.=
okayyy then,
the class ended.
fildza and me was waiting for my mother to pick up us.
and decided to have our lunch at Mee Ketam at section 7.
3 of us were having a same menu which Mee Kari Ketam Biasa.
then, my mother wasn't satisfied with the food.
to her, it was nice but too little.
furthermore, she decided to brought me and fildza to Jeram ~ <3
i was kinda shocked bout that.
still i was smiling to knew that ;))
so we went there.
while the way we're going there ~
my mother and fildza was very close like she really accepted fildza as my guy ~ <3
i was happy to know this.
with my mother telling her funny pasts and fildza was joining her too,
was very adorable and i'm truly grateful to watch such beautiful thing ~ <3
when we get there.
as usual, full of people and fresh sea creatures had been captured and cooked. :p
ohhhhh then my stomach was growling.
after that, my mother chooses pari fish, prawn and crab ~ <3 <3
Oh My Gosh ~ !
it was big and totally fresh because the restaurant are absolutely at seaside ~ <3
anyway after that, my mother, fildza and i were seated and waited for our meal.
my mother went to the bathroom, that time fildza and i said happy anniversary for our two months being together ~ <3
he kiss my hand and i smile sweetly towards him and kiss him at his forehead ;pp
teeheee ~ <3
ehemm anyway, we sat back formally and act nothing happen when my mother came back to the table.
then, after for half a hour, our meal came ~
ohh the food was totally making us drooling @.,@
ikan pari masak asam pedas, ketam masak sambal n lastly udang masak kunyit ~ @.,@"
perghhhh ! memang sedap laaa kan hahahahha ~ xDD
okay back to the story,
we finished the food and when back home.
along the way, i don't know what happen ?
because i was asleep okay =.="
heyy, i was tired and i don't care what happen anyway.
after all of us arrives home.
fildza stay at my house for fews hours,
then almost midnight, he went back home.
but promising that tomorrow he'll go out with me.
awww ~ <3
thank you so much beruk ~ <3
i do love you, it just i wouldn't show it towards you ;p
heee ~ okayy ?
thank you and goodnight ~ <3

ohh my beruk ~ <3 i love you so much boo ;p thank you so much.

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Totally taken by Fildza Firdaus

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