My Journey
Welcome to my blog
Have an AWESOME day !
Very Unbelievable Day !

hahahaha xDD
i tell you what,
it was horrible and insane day =..=
but still, it was great and hilarious memories ^^
the 10 Horrible things did happen
1. my boyfie motorcycle runs out of fuel =..=#
2. we are in the middle of highway =..="
3. the petrol station sooo damn far away from there.
4. both of us ain't got any shit credits =..=#
5. not too mention, both of us only got a little of money.
6. we got totally bath again because of the rain =..=
7. it was freaky cold =..=
8. got stuck there from morning until night =..=#
9. never get a change to fill our hungry stomach :(
10. tired as hell -,-

that was the 10 Horrible things had happen.
the 10 Great and Hilarious things were happen that time
1. we're manage to put ourselves together in such situation.
2. in fact, we did have some karaokes in that moment. xDD
3. we played along with the rain with searching for some place to get away from the rain.
4. we were actually laughing and making a lot of jokes :))
5. we even manage to get in control :) non of us were out of patience :DD
6. we also get to know our background and pasts :)
7. we're having a moment with looking at such beautiful nature scenery :DD
8. we trying to catch some big prawns still we never get it but still it was fun ^^
9. we get to lose some weight while walking around somewhere xDD
10. finally, my friend byma came to help us out :DD thank you so much byma xD we owned you great time ;)

well those are the crazy and insane things had happen :)
i believe you people have their own ridiculous memories right ? ;)
still thanks for all shits that happen :)
it make me think wiser and deeply bout something or problems :)
thanks and praise to you God :DDD

be happy and glad in what had happen, because everything that happen in you life is beautiful ~ ;p

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Totally taken by Fildza Firdaus

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