My Journey
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What The Hell Just Happen ?

hurmmm, i think i need too much to learn bout real life.
true life are never easy :(
i wanted to get out from my family.
i don't want to be a black sheep in my family.
besides, my Ex mom already said that i'm not her daughter anymore.
i take it and accept it.
well, i don't mind actually
i don't care bout her anymore or neither my family.
anyway i'm blissful to have a responsible boyfriend,
who can always be there whenever i need him ~ <3
he's been taking care of me.
well, not every time is great, but i'm truly grateful :D
i wish i can find a house right away and live on with him :D
when the right time has come.
i wish i can say let this to him :DD ( time bila me and him already SAH together okay =..=# Please don't salah faham okay bijaksana haishhh. -.-" )

teeheee ~ <3,<3
if that happen,
i wish we can always be like this :p

hurmmm, and course :DD
i will never forget my friends :DD
they are also my shine to smile everyday :D

hahaha love you my true friends 

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Totally taken by Fildza Firdaus

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