My Journey
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Have an AWESOME day !
Call It What You Want =..="

ho ho ho, well as you can see the photo :D
i would like to show how's my attitude when i'm with my love ones ~ <3
hahahahah xDD
firstly, Fildza Firdaus :))
we like to argue, make jokes and many stuffs :DD
but he really knows how to annoy me =..="
means like this

*ermmmm, lebih kurang laa -.-"

then we would like argue for hours and hours, until one of us really give up =,="
and if he wins, all i can do is sighing.

*hurmmm, i'm sure you people understand this -.-

anyway spread the love yawww ~

*like duhhh, everyone loves their own lovers =..=" except you are real player suckers :D muahahhaha

he's like my superhero :DD
like this one :p

*Jyeahhhh ! my one and only one Beruk okay :p i <3 him so damn fucking much :DD

i hope you don't mind this, right fildza ? you better act properly :D
hee hee hee ;p
therefore, the next person is Byma Comel :DDD
she's like my little sister to me, because the way she is like a child :)
so i think it's adorable ~ <3
we are always like this,

*we care bout each other too much, that gotta inseparable for us. ;)

hahahaha, cause we have been spend so much time together whether in good or worst :)
she's the best for a good listener but bad for action =..="
well, nobody is perfect right ? still she's great, always full of energy and randomness xDD
does things beyond our thinking ^^ hurmmm, i wonder where did she get all this silly stuffs she's been doing.
anyways she really knows how to bright up my day  :D love you so much baby girl :D

lastly, my only favourite cousin :) which is Iszuan :D
he's caring and very open minded, always know how to make me laugh. well, he is my cousin duhhhhhh =..=
we usually hangout at middle of night or morning or should i say 1.00am to 4.00am :DD
hurmmm don't get it wrong Fildza and Byma were there also :p
not too mention Byma and Iszuan are dating right now, so unbelievable xDD
i thought they dislike each other ? hurmmm how's people change.
four of us were like

*don't pretend like you don't know what is this. if you don't know ? go back to kinder garden already =.="

by the way, four of us only knows looking for problem all the time :D
never learn to sleep early unless something is on :D
we always plan to do crazy stuffs and make our dreams came true :)
such as hangout at the beach, get out from our hometown just relaxing there then came back and many stuffs.
it was really pleasant :DD
i hope four of us will stay like this until eternity :DD

*just us having a lot of fun whether in good or worst :))

and of course, i never forgot Nurul Hidayah Abdul Rahman, Aisyah Shahdan and Anis Natasha ~ <3
they are ALSO great pupil. i missed them so much, i wish i can meet them :DD
when they are back home. i would like to greet them so much alright :D
anyway best of luck to these people :D hope seeing you guys really soon :D

i love love love them very damn much ~ <3

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Totally taken by Fildza Firdaus

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