My Journey
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Day Dreamingg ~

yeahhh, i am soooo like DREAMINNGGGGGGG right now ~ @,@
hahaha actually i was quite bored, so i decided to write something fun and somethings happen before this :)
hurmmmm let's see, i went to see Byma's cats. :DD it was adorableee ! awwwww ~ ;3
when i see her with her cats my mind went like this :D

hee hee hee nice right ? :DD
better say it bitches t(=..=)t because Byma is cute and lovely ~ <3
anyway the other things are what ayee ? =..=??
yeahhhh ! me, Byma, My love, My cousin with Chow gone to haunted house ~ xDD
it was kinda scary =..=" i can feel the atmosphere were bit cold and the "thing" is like there and there.
but i can't see it. *better that way okay. i don't want to get sick or follow bout any of that shits =..=#

*look, i don't want to give the exact house or location because it's creeping me out ==" soo i'm sorry :D trololo :DD

because the ghost will like disturb you ? :DD

*errrr, something like that ? :DD p/s i don't care how the picture is actually :DD

heee, then what happen all this time, hurmmm keep thinking :DD
yeahhh !!! my boyfie were almost breakup with me because of i don't know ? misunderstood again =,=#
like wowwww =..=##
we're like this that time :




lastly, i just did something that make most my friends angry which is :DD

hee hee hee ^_^"

well to my friends all i wanted to say is :DD

just cutting my hair, i was like so frustrated that time -..-"

by the way, while i'm cutting my hair, my friend Byma call me and asked me to go out for awhile.
so i listen to her then to see "him" there with Byma and Iszuan.
i just kept quiet and pretend nothing happen, seem they don't realize my hair were short that time.
my boyfie wanted to see me and said he's sorry and he take back all the things he had said to me just now like 10 minutes ago before the fight :)
that time i don't know what to say or what to do ? should i agree or should i let go ?
then i realize did i really like really want to let him go which is i'm sooo totally madly deeply in love with him ?
after few minutes, i agreed to forgave him and still being with him :)
i'm soo happy for that.
while talking to my love, i touch my hair and i said " i cut my hair, do you like it ? "
he was so surprised and " WHYYYY ??? " was the only word that came out from his mouth -.-
well i don't blame him actually, it was also my ego were kinda bit high when came to angry or fighting with the people i care =..="
hurmmm, well all i can say is

like duhhhhhhh t(=..=) unless you just plain idiot :B heeeee
therefore, we're planning to go to Khulafa Section 20 for filling our stomach with food and drinks :DD
me and Byma decide walking to go there and Me love and Iszuan went with motorcycles.
then suddenly, Fildza with Iszuan fall off from the motorcycles with horrible landing -..-" *not funny okay !
that time i was sooo worried that they have serious injuries or need to go to the hospital.
at last, they are okay but got a lot of huge and small cuts with swollen skin. haishhhh
there's nothing i can say bout that and end up still going to Khulafa and having fun and laughter there :)

hurmmm, i am happy to know them :DD 

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Totally taken by Fildza Firdaus

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