My Journey
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How Dare You ?!

like YEAHHHHHHH !!!! i'm sooooo PISSED OFF with you GIRL =..=#
are you really prepared for what you have said woman ?
fine then, take your fucking BOYFRIEND and FUCK him HARD okay.
if you don't get married with him later on, i am sooo COMING after YOU t(=..=)t
most of our gang are like

with your fucking, bitching, annoying, terrible, selfish attitude t(=,=)t
how could you think of me that way ?
i care bout you that's why i'm nagging to you.
if i don't care i wouldn't even bother your freaky life okay.
sometimes i think i should be patience with you but sometimes i think i should

hahahahahha :D *just planning only, not sure should do it or not ? :)
i think i'm sure that you said " elehhh, cakap je die tu. takkan buat punya laaa =.= "
all i can say is DON'T CHALLENGE ME okay :)
you know me better then that, right woman ;))
hurmmmm i don't know that if tell you this what and how will you react after you know ? :DD

*HAHAHAHAHAH, correction there, NOT us but YOU only ;pp
and you think i don't know your secret is ?
you are TOTALLY DOOMED if i tell anyone else :DD
i have already watched the PHOTOS :DD
it was NOT sexy and it's FREAKY ME OUT =..=
well take your own advise Ex friend :)
you don't want to end up hurting yourself sweetie ;)
good luck and keep strong okay S :)
hope your relationship with last forever :DD
aminnnn ~
and one more thing, one last advise from me S :)
take a good look and read bout it okay ;)

Love from your Ex bestfriend <3

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Totally taken by Fildza Firdaus

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VBlack Moustache