My Journey
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An Important Day Are Coming !

ho ho ho,well i'm worry and i'm checking the date on the calendar because my Laki punya Birthday is COMINGGG !!! Shit =..=" i didn't prepared anything -.-" Maybe you people don't think what's soo Special about it ? well to me, it is SPECIAL !! because he is special to me, nothing can towards him. He's the Best for me and i KNOW it :)) hurmmmm, i wonder how can i surprise him ? i don't have money *i blame him cause not letting me work yet =..=# Maybe i should asks my father ?i don't care what people thinks or they says !! i want to celebrate  his birthday no matter what ! then i should really asked my father =.=" bout the freaking money. hurmmm RM50.00 could be enough ? hurmmm unfortunately, i don't know -.-" At least i try my level best to give something. The card i will do it myself,handmade are much meaningful. A cake ? i guess i have to do some survey on the price. If not too costly, i would like to buy him a gift. A T-shirt sounds nice :DD because his got lacking in choosing a shirts, all of his shirts are a quite pityful.  =.= *it doesn't matter anyway. i guess that should be perfect ! as long i appreciate him as much as i love him  heee that would be lovely <3 i really wish i could give him a special birthday celebration. If only i have some income =..= arghhhhh curses.

by the way love, Happy Birthday Birthday to you with full of purely sincere and love in your coming birthday which is in 2/3/2012. Love you and take care Beruk <3 wish you the best of luck !

I really need the money right now !! Erghhh 

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