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Found something Old yet Interesting ~

hiiiii, actually i found this old assignment when i'm still studying unisel last time. eheh, it was quite interesting because it's about ourselves :D the assignment was given by Miss Vicious :D *i dislike her so much ^^ in Visual Communication class, it has 23 questions and we had to answer it with our very own way :) then design it a milk carton -.-" well i will not show it because i don't have :DD *beside i never do it except the answer :D heee i would like to show you people the question and my answer are ^^ *saja suka suka sahaja.
the Questions begin and the Answer will be right beside the Question, feel pleased to read it :DDDD

1st. What's your name : Nurul Amirah Mohd Fadzil :DD

2nd. What are you interested in hobbies, car or anything : I have many interests, well like shisha <3 Shisha is my addiction and my shit <3 hihihihihih then i <3 MUSIC, can't live without it. *seriously, no joking and vehicle ? i like superbike rather then cars ? maybe because i loveee extreme things even sports are so like my favourites.

3th. If you die and come back alive, WHO do you want to become : If i were dead and alive again, i would still be ME ! cause everyone is different in everyways. :DD

4th. If you die and come back alive, WHAT do you want to become : hurmmm, maybe i would like to become a music, the rhythm of the music will never die ~ in fact it always change in every era but the meaning of it are still there. that's why people still listen to it even the music is already dead :DD

5th. Where would you like to go : heee, that would be the seaside, like JYEAHHHHH the place really calm me down. i felt so relaxed and alive everytime  i go there <3

6th. What do you think of Yourself : i think of myself as curious and full or randomness. because i don't really mind how or what you people doings cause everyone have their own unique appeal. :B

7th. Where did you get your body from : HAHA of course, i got it from my Mom with the help of the God hands like duhhhhh He is our creator =..="

8th. What other languages you speak : unfortunately, i only speak in English and Malay. urghh i really wish how can i know in many languages.

9th. If the Lord appears in front of you. What would you ask : if the Lord appears right in front of me, i shall seek for forgiveness for all of my sins that i have commit before this.

10th. If you were a country's Prime Minister, What would you want to change the country and Which country : if i were the Prime Minister in such country, i would like to be a wise and a fair leader to my people, cause it was never easy to rule a country and maybe Malaysia i guess ?

11st. If you are married, How many children would you like : if i were married, i would consider to have only 2 children *i guess ? i dislike to have many children because it would cost a million things to do -..-"

12nd. Which's one would you choose Angeline Jolie *the lips or Nicole Kidman *the eyes : Angelina Jolie ~

*the lips are so smexy <3

13th. Are you willing to risk everything for your loved one's : I AM ! but Only to the people i care the MOST <3

14th. If you were a ball, Which ball would you be : hurmmm, i don know actually ? maybe a basketball cause it's bouncing.

15th. What's your view on the current politics scene : My view in politician they're stupid and ridiculous. i really have NO interest in it ! because of it, people get into argument for nothing =..=# in fact people seems not to realize bout it. pity much them -,-

16th. What you would do if you have a million dollars : ohhhhh, i will keep a half of it to my account and the other half, i would be please to SPEND it in good and bad ways :D

17th. If tomorrow is the end of the wold, where would you want to be and with whom : i shall be in the arms of my love ones and stay with him till my very last breath :')

18th. I an Nobody, Nobody is Perfect. Therefore I am _ : PERFECT ! i ain't fucking stupid people =..="

19th. Meaning of Life for you is : the meaning of life to me is something how you want it to be, it's how you handle you freaking life, how you commit yourself nowadays. no matter how easy or hard your life is, you can never ever blame it because it's YOU are the one who rolls the dice :)
*it's true by it was never easy.

20th. If you were given a genie, What would the 3 things you will ask : if i was given the three wishes from a genie, i would asks first the Wisdom, second, the Beauty and lastly, the Peace :DD

21st. If you were to go back in your past 7 years of life, What would you change : Maybe i would like to gain more experience and study harder. =..="

22nd. If you were given a superpower, What superpower would you want to possess : huhuhu, i wanna to be an AWESOME telepath *i don't know how to spell =..= Mind controlling ~ :DD

23th. What are you afraid the most other than God and Why : My most fear other than God is LIPASSSS, urghhh sooo disgusting =..=#

huhhhhh ~ anyway i would to say something to y'll is ~

hee heee hee, have a nice day :DD

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Totally taken by Fildza Firdaus

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