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Disney Waktu Rehat Layaann ~

ehhhhh, the show are actually LAYANNNN kot xDD the story is a total cool and hilarious moments during your time at school :D it shows bout friendship, naughty, fun and people around you during our school life :)
these are the characters in Disney Waktu Rehat :)

those people plays their character very well, i love watching it :DD my favourite character in this channel is SYED or real name Juzzthin :DD he's funny, he really reminds me of myself during my school time. always searching for fun than stress :) being naughty it just great than being Miss All That :) it just not fun because you have to keep your reputation really high, which is i don't like it cause it can make me go stress A LOT =..="

cool prank yaww and love your rapping <3 your English are wayy cooler 

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Totally taken by Fildza Firdaus

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