My Journey
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Have an AWESOME day !
Hangout with The Flour xD

yawww morning humans ~ :DD i got tons of story to share with you guys after i'm been away from this shits :D hohoho well it's start like this, few days ago. Eshalala were asking me out and of course my normal reply -.- i ain't got any fucking money ~ damn it. then Eshalala said nevermind, i'm got all that done :) i was  like
seriously ? she said like yeahhh la gila -.- i want you to meet my boyfie :) then i said okay i'll be ready :D i'm coming soon :) Eshalala was like happy for i'm going :D and i was like

*yeahhh blurry much, anyway i get ready after that.

After for all the clothing, walking and blah blah blah, i managed to get to Eshalala house :D
we were talking, laughing and stuffs. therefore me and Eshalala just went out from the house. My bad shoes are totally torn apart but managed to get it glue together. DAMN ! that was embarrassing huh -.-
anyway skip that part =..= soooo we walk to KTM then we met Radzi, he was our schoolmate, he was on his way to work. jadi korang boleh teka apa akan berlaku selepasnye kan ? -.-" yeahhh like normal things, talking, laughing, joking, trolling and blah blah blah blah =..="

*you guys better don't understand it. if you don't ? that's GOOD for you :D

so after all that, three of us arrived to subang jaya. Radzi split up with me and Esha cause he's going to subang parade where his work, then we ( me and esha ) get on a bas to went to sunway piramid. for few minutes, we got there with a lot of stairs =..=# i hate stairs ! darn it. then after all the stairs, we went through the entrance and search for toilets *commons for girls :) to do their things right ? anyway esha called her boyfie and asked him where is he ? we look for him and found at the front stairs. so we introduce ourselves and start hanging out. we got eating at the

me and esha ate the same menu spicy mcchicken deluxe while esha boyfie *i forgot his name -.- ate big tasty :) with that we manage to get knowing each other attitude :D after eating we decided to watch some movies :) the title of the movie we watch is

the movie won't start for another half a hour, so we spend our time with playing at the arcade. the game we playing will be shooting which is



 it was totally fun except i got the ROSAK controller, great fuck that  =.=# we were totally nail that fucking monster except the coins run outs. that was not happening, we lost at the minute we got to stage 2 *pretty loser you guys think right ? but it ain't fucking easy, too many different monsters and not enough time to kill the boss grrrr my face were like this

*yeahhh totally, damn that coin ! damn that monster ! and damn you fucking controller =..=# because of it i freaking LOSE you know. gahhh -.-

by the way, done with the game. we watch the movie, the movie was in IMAX which mean 3D so have to wear glasses. it was fascinating and awesome story, it may be in cartoon but it has a lot of preaching :) i really love the movie. it was meaningful :D you people should watch the movie. it was funny, love and interesting :D
sooo watch it okay ;) then me and Esha have our moment with having THIS

*yeahhh baby ~ <3 <3 <3 freaking fucking LOVE this drink ;p to haters ? you can just fuck kill yourself alright, love from me :p

hohoho, me and Esha only buy this drink but not to his boyfie ? maybe he's not into coffee i guess ? :)
okay anyway i order this drink

meanwhile Esha take on this one,

*ho ho ho i'm LOVIN it ~ teheee

that time, me and Esha got really serious while talking bout the problem has been brought up. one by one we thinking what could solve the freaking problem -.- so after few hours of discussion, we decided to call Chow and met him at the place we're hanging. when he came, we talk bout our plan for that freaking night :) Chow agreed to follows us and we went to meet Byma at Barra Section 7 *our favourite spot. around half a hour. byma arrived with apiz :D then as usual we areeeee ~

he he he heh and of course with ~

heeeee our favourite game too :p

then few hours later, all of us went meet fildza and the gang except for Apiz, he had to go somewhere ? i don't care actually then after meeting and blah blah blah -..- we gone to the Tasik Shah alam section 2.  the best and funny bout to happen, Byma, Esha and Chow getting ready with the

and and and ~

yeahhhh the Flour baby :p

meanwhile for me, planning something funny to happen. after the planning going so well ~
the MOMENT start !!!!!!
we'll were starting

yeahhhh everyday we tepuing ~ *saja je merepek.

we're absolutely having FUN ~ running, laughing, screaming and the best part is we don't even care what people thinks xDDD it was AWESOME yawwww ~
lastly, we all wish fildza happy belated birthday :) it's was lovely. done playing with flour, we end up eating cupcakes ~ credited to Byma sayang :DD thanks for sponsoring the cupcakes. we shall gve a blast on your coming birthday too ;)) heeee ~ <3

some people thinks friendship never meant anything but to me, friendship is my LIFE <3 i love love love you guys alright ;) 

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