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Monkeys Everywhere !

heeeee ~ i choose most of my theme were monkeys because it really reminds me of my friend Byma <3 with my lovely beruk which Fildza <3 ;) huhuhu they were like THE BEST yawww :DD because they like fighting -.- calling their names by monkeys such as beruk, monyet etc. :) hahaha seriously, they really cute though :D

*are they adorable <3 my love with my bestie :D aww cute much xD 

don't get them wrong :) does mean if they hugging together they have some secret relationship, like pfft ~ they are like so close -.- most of the time fildza and i would like to argue something stupid and i'm bout to win then suddenly he's being such an assholes. so i decided to torture him :DD then his turn to do that to me -.- crap =..=" hahaha anyway they are awesome :D love love love them very the much xD hahahha

*hahahha i shall give this to them xD i'm sure like positively they would love it xDD bhahahahha

Love you Fildza Firdaus and Byma Sayang <3

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Totally taken by Fildza Firdaus

Daisypath Anniversary tickers



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VBlack Moustache