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Scary Moment

heeee, well i'm kinda bored, so how bout we talk bout our stupid fears but can be a little logical -.-" but i really don't believe in monster such like this -.-"

*ermmmmmm, i think i skip all the fucking questions came up from you people mind -.- *

anyway i believe in ghost because i have seen it twice and been disturbed quite a lot =..=# but PRAISE THE LORD ! that i can't see it anymore :DD and yes, i still sense it presence. hurmmm anyway if you seen one or face one of them such like this


what would you do ? brace yourself like a boss ?

or still face that damn fucking thing but deep inside, you are like this. -.- 

*shaking like hell*

lastly, or end up like this ?

* easy, you ARE dead ;) *

heee, if were me. i probably kept quiet and run away before that shit got really serious :p hahaha :D you know what ? that was my way, i don't know how you people handle it. hurmmm, everyone have their ways in handling this situation :) sooo i hope you people take good care of yourself :) goodnight and have a really Sweet Nightmares  

Heee enjoy your scary moment alright 

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