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I'm Missing Them

hurmm, i'm feeling bit lonely tonight :( with my Byma sayang is not here right now. i wonder when she will be here ? i'm waiting for her to came here :) even though we like to argue bout something ridiculous but it just us right ? being who we are, are more better than being someone who is NOT you -.-" hahahah i don't know why i'm being such a girly girl tonight ? maybe because i'm used to be at their side :'( hurmmm when i log on the lappy, i will be like this

want to know why ? * if you don't care bout it, then don't read -.- * back to the story, i felt sad by looking my photos with the people i care because

like jyeahhh, you guys rock my world damn hard !!! you guys are always there everything i'm feeling down :') definitely no one can take your place from the bottom of my heart ;) heeeee you guys rules yawww !! no deniable bout that :) * tabik spring laaa ! * bhahahahaha i miss all the moment we do our stuffs :D

heeeee sayang kau la si lembab, gila, sengal, mengarut, bingung dan macam macam lagi :) just because you are my truly friend Byma sayang :DD

heeee okay, here's the other person i miss the most :) well i'm sure that you people can think whose right ? hahaha siapa lagi kalau bukan my hero, my monkey and the only one my man for life :) Fildza Monkey <3 awwww i missing you so bad laaa stupid =.=" i miss all the moment :')

our time 

our randomness and many more :)

damnnn ! why i have to argue with him this morning just some stupid little things :'( i miss miss miss miss miss you sooo much :( in fact i loooooooveeeeeeee you soooooooooo much Fildza Firdaus Norlizan :'(( i wish you get through your problem right now :( i'm waiting to see you again, please don't hate for what i had said to you :( i want you to know that, this is me.
i want you to understand my feelings and my attitudes towards you :'( i don't understand why did our ego came first than realization among anything. curses =.=# i want to show you this Fildza :')

remember this ? this were one of my favourite moments with you :) we were cooking, laughing, joking and in fact help my mother during her sick :') this photo were taken after all the jobs were done * meant cooking all that alright -,- * hurmmmm all i can say is i hope you read this and know how much i love you :) take care and goodnight ;))

i would never let you go from my life just because i'm already in love with you like mad <3

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Totally taken by Fildza Firdaus

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