My Journey
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Love Love Love Ohh Why Cupid ?

hahahahah, yeah yeah -.-" i know you guys are bored with my freaking loving doving or whatsoever feeling right ? -.-" * elehhh mengaku jela * if not ? thank you, you people :D i really really appreciate it ;pp hee hee hee. anyway i have a story to tell you guys bout my normal topics :DD no need to think too much, it's the same man i fell in love with :p teehee * malulaaaa, hee hee hee sikit laaa. padahal dalam hati dah macam apatah -.-" * okay okay, i'm telling the story, i don't know why that i'm really gone crazy for him, this is NOT some love sick school girl okay, pleasee don't be soo typical. love can be like this

BUT sometimes love can be like this ;)

ohhh come on people, i do believe some of you guys don't believe in such thing rightt ?! hahaha seriously, i WAS like that too. i don't believe such bullshit. to me it's like a full of wasting time, like yeahhh ! who would like to be a heart broken person. unless you ARE TOTALLY inhuman :D heeee i'm glad that you people ARE freaking SMART ^^ thank you ;) ermmm okay, enough with all this mocking. continuing the story, i really really don't believe in such emotion exist, because in past. i'm a type of a person which really don't care bout this love emotion or feeling thingy-.-" to me it's like erghhh, weakling people only -.-" * pemikiran dulu laaa, jangan nak emosi macam apa pulak -.-" * but all that change, until i met my true friends :D and especially my Mr.Right :D i was like THIS IS SOOO FREAKING AWESOME ! i never felt something like this before :) with my friends i felt happy and had someone to talk bout anything or something cool or i don't know, SOMETHING la kan ! as long as you felt never really alone yet ;p heeee never will be a forever alone ;D hurmmmm then when i met my Mr.Right it's like all the Jiwang start xDD haha suddenly this feeling can't stop beating like crazy =.=" * betul2 tangkap cintan laaa haishh =.=" * my heart were like this wild beast can't stop playing the drum every time i saw his face. hee hee hee, if you guys wanted to know, i was in love with him at the very first time i lay my eyes on him. that time. i was thinking, why i can't stop looking at him ? * gatal punya mata * heeee but i thought i was the only person who had that feeling, yet i was wrong. he also had that feeling too. awwww i love you laa gila :D and yes, on that very day *kali pertama jumpa tuuu * me and fildza declared. i promise i will take good care of you :) now, we're almost 9 months being together. but not even a slightest feeling of bored towards you were there. my thoughts were

even though everyday we started fighting, every night we fell in love. no one else could me sadder but no one else could lift me high above. i'm in love with a fairy tale, even though it hurts. cause i don't care if i lose my mind. i'm already cursed by you -.-" hahaha damn you Fildza Firdaus Norlizan. anyway i thank you for loving me in good or worse :) and of course, i truly thanks to my only one Allah for * alaaa temukan  kitaorang :")) * heeee anyway fildza, it's you that i live for and for you i die. so i'll lay here with you, till the final goodbye :')

i hope we end up like this even we ARE always like this, hahaha love love love, you totally amaze me :)

regards from all that :)  i wish that we can fight all our weakness and accept it how they are :) hurmmm i'm truly madly deeply grateful :) hahaaha i hope you take care yourself while far away from me now :) i trust you with all my life fildza :D i love and i miss you :) take care ^^

i believe in us :) sayang awak la sengal >;p

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Totally taken by Fildza Firdaus

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