My Journey
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Have an AWESOME day !
Randomness day ~

heyy, i miss you guys so much, feels excited to write something today
hurmmmm, what had happen to me awhile i'm far away from blogging ? heee of course, many things already happens ;p there were happiness, sadness, fun and many more ;) okay. first, i would like tell you people bout the bad news ;) no worries, feel chilling are more much better than negative thinking. anyway, few weeks ago me and my gang as usual lepaking at barra section 7. * it was my favourite spot of hanging out soo jangan tanya kenapa sebab tempat sama je ye ? terima kasih ;) * then suddenly my lovely baby shisha got Habis ?! what the F***k !!! * okay mungkin bagi korang biasa jela * but too me, shishaing is everything to me :( i can't believe ?! how dare you last customer * before me * use the last flavour that i wanted -.- motherf***er t(-,-t) okay maybe i'm too little dramatic bout the shisha. sooo not that bad news actually, just playing around ;p hee hee hee okay okay okay. i'm telling the story -.-" some of it people negative thinking, typical people and busybody people. they think that they worth enough too judge people like this that this. -..- ehhhhh sukahati laaa, sibuk je -..-" you know it's kinda rude to do that. i'm sure many of you don't like it right ? hurmm not too mention, i almost got a penalty from a cop for hanging out at a place called bus stop * macam pelik and bodoh right -..-" ? * well believe me people, me with my chicas almost get it just because hanging out there at 4am with some few boys. the reasons yelaaa malas nak pergi mamak, asyik keluar duit je kan ? baik save je, and why tak lepak kat rumah je ? the answer are simple, my friend landlord are fucking kecoh like we gonna have a orgy party at her place. sooo damn stupid laaa to do something like that -.-" heyy we still care bout our virginity okay -..-#  and the best part, the police that bother us is the same police that * pernah tahan * us. yeahhh great sooo fuckery great t(-,-t)  haishhhh nevermind what's important all that has past :) then let's just smile away :D

* heeee she really got the beauty in that smile ;D *

alright alright people ! settle down ;) hold your horses okayyy ;p second part are about too coming up :) okayyy the last part is the good news :D * errr, sorry if ayat tersangat berterabur, ini disebabkan banyak sangat gangguan oleh kawan2 saya, terima kasih * heeee okay back to the story :D i got a lot of time to hanging out yawww ;DD and yes, there are NOOO bordering for me :D hahaha lalalalala all i can give is smiling faces to you people ;p

cute rightt ? :D i know the socks are sooo rainbowish with smiling faces in it :DD hahahaha okayyyy people, i think i stop here for now, cause i am like soooooooooo damn freaking blank right now. then good morning and have a good day with a smile on your faces ;)

just live your life even though it sucks ;)

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