My Journey
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This is Unbearable

Fildza, remember this ? you bring me here * tasik * two days before you are gone before my eyes :'(( how could ever i forget, you said that you bring me there cause i had been stress a lot. i don't want you to go !! but. this is really unbearable :'(( don't let me go, we had our dreams, our promises and our success :')) i'm not like other girls who easily let go their love. now ? what are we ? still contacting but deep inside our hearts were hurt like mad. do we have to pretend like nothing happen ? why is our ego and pride are damn fucking strong :'( every night i will be like this just because thinking bout you or listen to your voice.

and i believe were you like that too, it's okay for not being okay. in fact i can't watch your face if you like this

i felt that my heart have been torn apart. please come back, i'm always waiting for you whenever you need me :') i will never throw you out or turn you down. i don't want this okay.

i'm here for you alright :')

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Totally taken by Fildza Firdaus

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