My Journey
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Why ?!!

sometimes i don't understand why i have to face all this, well i know every each people have their own story but this life is like a dick because it get hard for no reasons =..=# okay example, how you people feels if someone is lying to you like obviously but still denied it. duhhh seriously like pfft. -,- all i can say is

i'm not impress with it. you know, i just had this one questions keeps playing inside my mind. which is WHY ? why you have to lie ? are you afraid that i might get angry ? if you think so. you never knew me from all this time. you just can be honest with it. i thought you trust me ? still you bullshitting me. but thanks to you for reminding me that friends ARE like seasons. they come and they go. i should realize it before i got too deep of all this. now i trusted you, i care for you, you were like a sister to me. but what have you done ? if this the first time i don't mind but you have done it like i don't know i lost count. you just had to do it right ? yeahh okay thanks.

i thought our friendship were like Spongebob Squarepants and Patrick Star. hehhh i guess not :')

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