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Happy Tree Friends

heeee, i just love to watch this cute but gore cartoon :DD it's funny but painful =.=" thank God that we are human if not ? we will dying and alive in pain. brrrrrr sooo not cool -.-" anyway my favourite is

Flippy <3

heee i love him so much cause he's such psycho character, the way he kills beyond madness :DD anyway he is still a good soldier except he went CRAZY !!! bhahahahaha okay maybe i'm the one gone crazy right. anyway if you don't know this cartoon. you can watch it in youtube and don't forget to type Happy Tree Friends :D it's funny -.-" beyond all the killing, pain and all that. they decided to put the title "Happy" ?
hurmmmm i don't think by watching gore and blood make you happy. -.-" it make you go sick and you know what mean -.-" hurmmm anyway i really love the cartoon. don't hate cartoon if it's too 18SG ! nobody asks you to go crazy or whatsoever right ? heee, alright then. got to go and watch some this crazy cartoon again :) thanks for reading ^^
Really Awesome Cartoon if you love Gore and Blood :)

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Totally taken by Fildza Firdaus

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