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Last Day With Baim !

heeeee, this person is my friend called Baimmmmmm Gila ;) he's nice guy and caring person but don't put your expectation too high girls. heee because he's crazy and mean person yet he do it in a good way ;) hohoho okay, back to the story. after all the hanging out with him, time is being time right ? it's meannnn he HAVE to go back continuing his studies after long "vacation" if you know what i mean ;)) if you don't know ? i'm too lazy to explain :D heeee anyway we all here gonna miss you and wish you the best of luck ;)) and of course, not forgetting our last pictures together ;)

ermmmm sorry for the photo, not clear enough -.-" * yelaaaaaa, pakai phone je nak amik photo nie. malas nak pakai cam sangat la kan =.=" *

Have an Awesome Time there Baim ;) Goodluck :)

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