My Journey
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Barra Barra All the Way

hey hey hey, it's fasting month now and yes, i AM fasting for the the past two weeks until i have fallen sick =..=" soo it is obviously that i AM not fasting for the past few days -.- anyway while i was unwell, my friends taking me out for dinner :) that my voice were like cartoons =..=# cause i'm having a sore throat. Then my friends are bullying me with giving me this t(=.=t)

hurmmmm, cause they know i can't resist this and of course i WANT this !!! hee hee hee <3 soooo we end up having 5 shisha xDD and after few days on we goes to the same place and having this shit with 6 shishas <3,<3 ho ho ho *heeee teringin gak nak batak sekejap, yelaaaaa bukan selalu kan =.=" * don't like this ? fine with me cause this what i am :D okay back to the story, this are the bills that we have wasted 10 hours at Barra but the bills are not included with the shishas. heeee well too lazy for explaining everything. hope you understands what i'm trying to tell :DD

sorry, too lazy to rotate the photo =.=" hope don't mind alright ;)

Sooooo lovin it xD

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Totally taken by Fildza Firdaus

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