My Journey
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It's A Fresh Start

Hello guys, as promise i will tell you how's my life been back then. it was a new thing for me. i never expected to be this way, i'm not saying i'm regretted bout it but actually i'm feeling much more mature and independent :) well it was never easy i tell ya. it was full of wrath, scorn and awareness. i must say it was a lesson of a new beginning and i'm loving it :D

well, it was worth it. really ! i felt A.W.E.S.O.M.E cause i'm far away from my problem for awhile cause i'm at my boyfie's village and yes i also have to face it later on ;) by the way, i have learned to be a proper lady towards my future husband, hee hee hee, i'm getting married but NOT YET huhuhuhu ;p sooo i have following the rules all the way *not all of the rules really if not obviously i have to stop shishaing =..=" sooo i just follow the important ones ;)* because of it, my soon to be grandfather and grandmother approved me <3,<3 hohoho i'm sooo lucky for myself ;) some of my friends visited me then, it was great ! we hang and had fun. thanks guys, really thanks;)

then, after 4 months. it's time for me and him to gone back home :) well, i'm gonna miss the family there. they have treated me as their families :') i never felt the feeling except with my brother and my father :D hurmmmm i wish them a good luck as well for me too. it was a lovely feeling but i don't know, what's gonna happen then :) and now, i have became much more fierce and polite which meant my sarcastic side has increases too ;) sooo probably now i would not take crap from anybody except from my mom =..=" well that's because i'm staying at her freakish house. so it's time for keep lots of money and get the hell out from there =,=# i wouldn't cooperate with her in anyway because of her attitude and her mouth =.=# no wonder she doesn't have any true friends -.-" well, i just have endure with her for a while. hurmmm thank goodness for my patience, we haven't quarrel bout anything yet just sarcastic remarks were made. hurmmmm, now i know i get my sarcastic from whom. hurmmm, finally. the story has yet end :D i can't tell all the stories because it's complicated so i don't want brought up cause it might make me really nostalgic bout it besides it's in the past already anyway so thanks for reading and have a nice day ;)

Maturity is good, but being both maturity and childish is better. either way being yourself is the best ;)

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Totally taken by Fildza Firdaus

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