My Journey
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My Girls

hahaha yep, that's what i called friends being real !! xD heee i must say i miss my baby dolls :)) we never really hangout all together cause some may be busy with assignments or works or some other stuff ? well, no matters cause i treasure you guys more then myself *of course my hubby come first okay* still friends means a lots to me :) damnnnnn, i'm being very sentimental now -.- by the way, feel please to get know them if you not interested bout it ? thennnnn, don't read or look it or the best word. GET LOST already ;) thank you.

Nor Saidatul Akmar Abu 

We have be in trouble for so many times don't forget with the cops and trespassing and etc, we both know more better right ? you are definitely the best pupil i even know ;) we share our secrets almost everything. you are the best listener and don't even change yourself okay cause you are already great being yourself, sincerely if you even change to a person like @#$%^& i would totally kick your ass sister xD

Nurul Hidayah Abdul Rahman 

Dayah, i would cross the world just to bitch talk with you *if i have the money* xD nobody is honest than you towards me ;) the trouble we got through was very sensitive cause it's involving our family but we made it and prove to them that they were WRONG !!! i was truly happy plus grateful to befriend with you. i can never really argue with you cause it hurts me =..=" *i hate that actually* but heyyy, i love you bitch. soo hope you find a nice guy for yourself alright. haha

Anis Natasha Anuar 

Well, anis. maybe in this photo you may look fierce but actually hahaha never mind :p it's between us anyway you are the most naive among us =,=" well, it's soo obvious but still blurring all the way. i like to tease you very much xD aside all that, you are a nice person and you can NEVER lie cause you're like an open book -.-" i can read it through your face and action and don't ever let people step on you. why ? cause i care bout you stupid =.=#

Nur Aisyah Shahdan 

Aisyah Pau, you are like a cookie. like seriously ? i don't know what happen to you now ? cause the last time we met were last year. sooo i don't know whether you're the same or not ? but still, you are the most problematic bout romance -.- well, i'm sure you know it for yourself right ? still, you can be a very fun person. always see goods in other people :) i'm happy for you for what you are xD always believe in yourself alright ;)

Siti Nabira Abu Seman 

Meet the Smartass -.-" i think you are the most intelligent and bravest among my ladies. always put other people first then yourself, always serious bout work or studies, never stingy at all. you are the best people to refer on bout something urgent. but now, you are bit different. i don't know why, still i can tell you're different than before. well, no matter what. you are my friend alright ;)

anywayyyyyyyyyy, this is are some pictures while hanging out with them within in this year, some of them i didn't meetup yet and some of it we don't take photo while hanging out together.

that is all, thank you and have nice day and some truth advise  

Friendship are meant to cherish ;)

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Totally taken by Fildza Firdaus

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