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The Best Outing Ever !

like duhhhhh people :DDD seriously, i felt the fun, chill and blah blah blah :DDD i had never hanging out like that before in my life ;) okay okay maybe i'm too fast telling all this =..=" it just i really gotta say it was the best  outing with your love and bestie likeee ever much bhahahah okay now i feel like i'm blondie -.-" heeee anyway the story begin last two weeks ago i went to Bukit Merah with Nabira <3 Fildza <3 and Baim <3 we go there by Baim's car. it was thrilling :)) 2 days and 1 night already felt like forever :D damnn i will miss this vacation ;)) hahahha and of course every each of us got burned. =..=" yeahhh sooo "tanning" =..=# then when we just got back from Bukit Merah, we still hanging out by going to Barra and for sure SHISHAING peoplee ~ muahahahhahahha

heeeee, i just love shisha so much :DD after that night, next morning we still going out. like has unlimited energy. we go to OU, * One Utama * Barra and Setia Alam until today :)) we got really exhausted and yeahhh until i don't know what to write ??? heeee because of overdosing shisha. * padahal takde pape pun xDD * heeee except for blurring ;3 hohoho anyway this some ugly pictures while at Bukit Merah.

HONESTLY hate the PICTURE because DAMN UGLY t(=..=t) 
just the memories were more Important :) so i don't mind a bit -..-# 
* yelaaaa semua dah terbakar already, that's why i hate it * haiyooooo =..=#

Heeee, Thanks Guys ;) Please DON'T critic the photo. we're very tired, sleepy and hungry that time. Thank you again ;)

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Totally taken by Fildza Firdaus

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